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Example: [OLP-1-608] 
HiC collection 
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ChromOS services online access to the data resources from Chromosome Orchestration System (OS) , a research project supported by MEXT Japan.

Chromosomes play a fundamental role in many biological processes. Previous research efforts have advanced our understanding of specific chromosomal events, such as DNA transcription, replication, recombination, partitioning, and epigenetic modification. One of the major future challenges in chromosome biology will be to provide an overall framework of how these individual activities are orchestrated and coordinated to maximize their effects in a variety of biological processes that evolve over time. The main goal of this project is to describe the mechanisms that regulate the functional unity of the chromosomes (chromosome OS) by thoroughly examining the structural relationship between, and the hierarchy of, individual chromosomal functions.

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Accession Cell Organism Restriction enzyme Condition Run ID
OLP-2-620 RPEhumanMboIESCO1, 2 KD (siRNA transfection 48 h), No Sync1809JNHX-0004_si11-19_res
OLP-2-614 RPEhumanMboIRAD21 KD (siRNA transfection 72 h), No Sync1809JNHX-0003_si621_res
OLP-2-628 RPEhumanMboIPDS5B KD (siRNA transfection 48 h), No SyncHN00102383_si91_res
OLP-2-621 RPEhumanMboIMAU2 KD (siRNA transfection 72 h), No Sync1809JNHX-0004_si251_res
OLP-2-613 RPEhumanMboIRAD21 KD (siRNA transfection 72 h), No Sync1809JNHX-0003_si7-621_res
OLP-2-623 RPEhumanMboICTCF KD (siRNA transfection 72 h), No Sync1811KHX-0110_R_626_628_d3_res
OLP-2-624 RPEhumanMboIWAPL KD (siRNA transfection 48 h), No SyncHN00102380_si31_res
OLP-2-625 RPEhumanMboIPDS5A KD (siRNA transfection 72 h), No SyncHN00102380_si88_d3_res
OLP-2-619 RPEhumanMboIESCO1 KD (siRNA transfection 48 h), No Sync1809JNHX-0004_si11_res
OLP-2-626 RPEhumanMboIJQ1 (BRD Inhibitor), No SyncHN00102383_JQ1_plus_res
OLP-2-615 RPEhumanMboIControl, No Sync1807JNHX-0018_Ctrl_res
OLP-2-627 RPEhumanMboIPDS5A,B KD (siRNA transfection 48 h), No SyncHN00102383_si88_91_res
OLP-2-616 RPEhumanMboIControl, No Sync1809JNHX-0003_Ctrl_res
OLP-2-618 RPEhumanMboICTCF KD (siRNA transfection 72 h), No Sync1811KHX-0109_FT_WT_res
OLP-2-617 RPEhumanMboICTCF KD (siRNA transfection 72 h), No Sync1809JNHX-0003_si628_res
OLP-2-622 RPEhumanMboIControl, No Sync1811KHX-0109_R_Ctrl_res
OLP-2-629 LCLhumanMboIWT, No Sync1904JNHX-0009_GIA_res
OLP-2-630 LCLhumanMboIHP1beta mutation, No Sync1904JNHX-0009_RIM_res
OLP-2-631 HCT116/Rad21-mAD/TIR1humanMboINIPBL, exon3 frame-shift, No Sync1903JNHX-0034_B3_res
OLP-2-633 HCT116/ESCO1-mAD/TIR1humanMboIDox 12 h -> IAA 3 h (ESCO1 depletion), No Sync1907JNHX-0026_E1_dox_iaa_res
OLP-2-632 HCT116/ESCO1-mAD/TIR1humanMboIDox 16 h -> (control), No Sync1908JNHX-0025_E1_dox_res
OLP-2-634 HCT116humanMboINIPBL, exon 3 single allele mutation, No sync1807JNHX-0018_HCT_3-3_res
OLP-2-635 HCT116humanMboIWild Type, No Sync1807JNHX-0018_HCT_Wt_res
OLP-2-641 fibroblasthumanMboIWT, female, No Sync1807JNHX-0018_GM2036_res
OLP-2-640 fibroblasthumanMboIWT, female, No Sync1904JNHX-0009_2036_res
OLP-2-639 fibroblasthumanMboICdLS, NIPBL:2479_2480delAG; R827GfsX2, No Sync1807JNHX-0018_CdLS304_res
OLP-2-636 fibroblasthumanMboICdLS, NIPBL: 1372C>T;Q458X / Nonsense, female, No Sync1807JNHX-0018_CdLS510_res
OLP-2-642 fibroblasthumanMboIWT, male, No Sync1807JNHX-0018_GM3348_res
OLP-2-638 fibroblasthumanMboICdLS, NIPBL:2479_2480delAG; R827GfsX2, No Sync1807JNHX-0018_CdLS087_res
OLP-2-637 fibroblasthumanMboIWT, male, No Sync1807JNHX-0018_CdLS006_res
OLP-2-643 Blood Cell Stem CellmouseMboISTAG2 conditional KO1811KHX-0110_KO_561_res
OLP-2-646 Blood Cell Stem CellmouseMboISTAG2 conditional KO1811KHX-0110_KO_544_res
OLP-2-645 Blood Cell Stem CellmouseMboIWT1811KHX-0110_WT_546_res
OLP-2-644 Blood Cell Stem CellmouseMboIWT1811KHX-0110_WT_563_res
OLP-2-654 293FThumanMboIWT, No Sync1905JNHX-0006_FT_res
OLP-2-648 293FThumanMboIlentiviral vector Infection, Control, No Sync1903JNHX-0034_FT-vi24_res
OLP-2-649 293FThumanMboIlentiviral vector Infection, Control, No Sync1903JNHX-0035_FT-Wt_res
OLP-2-651 293FThumanMboIlentiviral vector Infection, Control, No Sync1908JNHX-0026_vi24_res
OLP-2-652 293FThumanMboIWild AFF4 lentiviral vector Infection, No Sync1908JNHX-0026_vi27_res
OLP-2-647 293FThumanMboIMutant AFF4 lentiviral vector Infection, No Sync1903JNHX-0035_FT-vi28_res
OLP-2-653 293FThumanMboIMutant AFF4 lentiviral vector Infection, No Sync1908JNHX-0026_vi28_res
OLP-2-650 293FThumanMboINIPBL, exon 3 bi-allele mutation, No Sync1811KHX-0109_FT_ND1_res
  1. ChromOS manages the data from the project "Chromosome OS".
  2. ChromOS provides the analytic pipeline for Hi-C data by collaborating with OpenLooper (OLP).
  3. Registration via OpenLooper is required. Thereby, users can manage the data and submit jobs to analyze. Learn more..
  4. Anyone can freely access the data opened by the registered users.
To reduce BAM filesize, prepare one chromosome per BAM.
"Samtools view" command will be helpful to do it.

Data Sharing (OpenLooper)

OpenLooper (OLP) collects genome-wide data on chromatin structures investigated by various high-throughput experimental assays. Simultaneously, OLP provides a platform that supports opening and sharing the data.

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Genome Browser

A web-based genome browser displays multiple processed NGS data in interactive multi-tracks. The users can access it directly or through the data browser that provides selectable individual assay .

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Hi-C Analysis

ChromOS runs a pipeline for Hi-C data analysis with user-uploaded BAM files via OpenLooper. This pipeline is now in service (2020.06).

Example: [OLP-1-608]
HiC collection: [RPE, HCT116, LCL,...]